Archive for the 'Business & Corporate Law' Category


Posted on June 9th, 2016 · Posted in Business & Corporate Law

A covenant not to compete is a provision contained within a contract that precludes an individual, generally an individual providing a professional service, from competing with a previous employer for.. read more

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Posted on May 11th, 2016 · Posted in Business & Corporate Law

       For a contract to be enforceable in Pennsylvania there must be consideration.  Consideration consists of a benefit to the promisor or a detriment to the promisee.  If.. read more

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Piercing the Corporate Veil

Posted on January 15th, 2014 · Posted in All Categories, Business & Corporate Law

The single most important reason why individuals form corporations or LLC’s is to shield themselves from individual liability. The usual risk to the individual is limited to his/her monetary/non-monetary investment.. read more

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